Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Have you heard about the SL game Primtionary? Well I hadn't until about 20 minutes ago (but then again everything slips past me). Anyhow I headed over there to check it out.
 You can pick which skill level you can build at from easy to impossible. Who ever wins gets 25L and is entitled to go through to the next round. A list of rules is available on arrival by notecard
All game times are given on the notecard plus on a board. Which seem pretty regular to me with various times starting from 2pm to 7pm.
 I arrived in time for a game . You have a person on stage building and the audience shouting answers .
Yummie has come up with a great game and I hope it goes far.

Hooktip Railroad

I've not been on SL for a while due to being busy in RL. I visited Hooktip Railroad today as one of the things I did while not being on SL was go on a train for a shopping trip. This I don't recommend if its Grand National day. Just try getting through the hoards of people on a platform with your mini tribe of kids. It was not one of my better ideas. So anyway, I sought a train station and went to Hooktip.

There is a variety of trains here which you can sit in plus you can get a drivers view by sitting in the drivers carriage. The only thing is that the trains didn't actually move anywhere. Also watch out for the traffic, you might get run over. I tried to sit in some of the vehicles and they worked fine.

The textures on this build are brilliant. Plus it doesn't seem you have to wait for your train to arrive.

Hooktip Railrail :

Art Box